In the UK, the accidents break down into
1, Open water (padi trained) screwups,
2, Decompression diving accidents (BSAC table dives where something went wrong)
3, Other diving accidents such as entanglement
4, surface accidents - diver fights propeller of boat and loses type of thing.
As a general rule, the decompression diving accidents are genuine accidents, someone who has 120 mins of decompression to do losing their weightbeld and becoming a Polaris Missile, is obviously in trouble!, equally, anyone can get caught in monofilament line, and this is again a genuine accident.
O/W screwups have accounted over the last few years for more than their fair share of 'accidents', I think that the figure is about 37-40% of UK accidents were newbie screwups last year.
It is very difficult to seperate technical and recreational accidents, I think that in under UK conditions, the vast majority of divers are recreational (most divers do recreational decompression dives) divers, and that probably 80% of accidents are recreational ones. If on the other hand you count decompression diving as technical (IMHO its on the boarderline), then probably 60% of accidents are technical, and the 40% newbie screwups are the limmit of the recreational accidnets.
Borderlines, borderlines.
Split the difference? 50%:50%?
Jon T