How was DEMA 2009 ?

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At DEMA this year, we were actually able to see all the booths. :D There didn't seem to be as many new innovations as in previous years, but I think that reflects back to the economy as a whole.
We (Cardzard and myself) enjoyed manning the Scubaboard booth during our turn so the "execs" could do business. We met many fellow scubaboard members and hopfully made new ones. Thanks for the opportunity Pete.
So here comes someone with a camera and takes pictures of the fabulous brand name tanks and the wholesale (DEMA Special) pricing. They post the pictures on a public forum and here I go as the evil LDS owner who is trying to make a profit to possibly pay my electric bills and gas bills for heating the pool all winter. "I saw how much you paid for those tanks!" says the customer.

Has anyone posted any pictures with any pricing information revealed from DEMA 2009?
Has anyone posted any pictures with any pricing information revealed from DEMA 2009?

dude the folks with the asian tanks had sign on them so everybody could see how cheap they were... and yet the want it a secret somehow...silly

uzzi looked like a flea market, it was selling from second a and had stock, some cool stuff...but it was a trade show, not a flea market
I've seen plenty of DEMA photos on Facebook.

None of me goofing off and not working though... which of course would have been impossible, since i was hard at work the whole time.
I've seen plenty of DEMA photos on Facebook.

None of me goofing off and not working though... which of course would have been impossible, since i was hard at work the whole time.

yup the whole time at the show, you have to work hard when you stay in bed till 4pm to sleep off the hang over and the show ends at 6pm!

he was actually there all day and working hard....:D
...uzzi looked like a flea market, it was selling from second a and had stock, some cool stuff...but it was a trade show, not a flea market

Hey, I like my new Uzzi shorts from DEMA! :wink:

Yes, it's a trade show, but for some of us anyway, buying stuff off the floor has always been part of the charm - even moreso when it was officially banned or discouraged. Got some nice stuff back in the day when vendors sold end-of-show "display" gear "that we really don't want to haul back with us..."

Now only if Sea & Sea would do that... :)

In fairness, judging from number of booths at DEMA this year, I expect the association would allow just about anyone to hawk just about anything, if they have the cash for the space.
The last day off the show usually finds some good deals for the Divemasters, Instructors, and others who stay until 3:00 or so. Many exhibitors will sell their display gear @ good bargains. This occurs @ every show. Cash in hand and a great deal.
We had a good show. Signed a lot of new shops and talked to over 4 foreign distributors who are interested in an agreement.

It was better than in previos years from our view, in that people would stop and talk a lot more. Having less of a crowd worked in our favor. We were busy over 95% of the time except for Sat. afternoon.

The best thing about a show over the internet is people can actually put your gear in there hands and try it out and tell you what they think.

I enjoyed it.

Glad you had a good DEMA show. You have a very innovative product and you have done the hard work to bring it to market in a tough economy.
Quality always prevails.

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