It would be irresponsible to take someone with AOW with just 40 dives down to the Pinnacles of Saba down to 130' .
This is one of the dilemmas dive operators are going to face and are most likely already facing. There are going to be divers who are newly certified under PADI (or another certification agency) that believe because they have paid for and achieved these certifications they are entitled to dive the "Advanced" and "Experienced" sites that a dive op may offer.
A dive op that is PADI affiliated is going to run into problems telling the irresponsible parents of a 12 year old who holds a "MASTER DIVER" cert with 50 dives logged that they can't dive one of their "Experienced" diver sites (and this goes for more than 12 year olds and perhaps their parents).
PADI selling higher and higher certifications is like selling faster and faster cars to people who can afford them... Just because you can buy it, doesn't mean you can drive it. After years of diving I'm still learning from other divers who have more experience than I have and at the same time I'm sharing what I have learned with divers with less experience. It is a never ending learning experience for as long as one is able to dive. True "Experience" costs $... Lets say you have 500 dives logged on Coz = 250, 2 tank trips at lets say an average of $80 each over the years = $20,000 spent. That's a lot more than PADI will charge one be classified as "MASTER DIVER" who has 50 dives logged.
It all comes back to this current age of "entitlement"... People think, "I've paid for my cert and I can do everything I'm entitled to do under it". Well, rest assured, I, my wife, and everyone else on that boat won't be chasing after your ass into the depths if something goes wrong so your dive buddies be they parents, a spouse, or your kids better be willing to go after ya and understand the consequences of doing so because that is how 1 dead diver turns into 2, 3 or 4.