How to Search Threads

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Reaction score
Southern California
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello All,

Many times when someone asks a question or starts a new topic some crabby person posts something like "this topic has been done a 100 times use the search" or "the search function is you friend use it"

I know that I for one could never get anything usefull out of the search function - for example if you search for "dive planning" for information on how to plan a dive you get 500 pages of nonsense.

Finally one day I noticed the advanced search option below the search box (I know it's totally obvious but I just never noticed it) and wow just by limiting the search to thread title only made a huge difference.

Now for the same dive planning search I only get 88 pages of nonsense - but now at least I can look through the thread titles and find the relevant ones.

So I am just pointing out the obvious for those of us who are search challenged - use the advanced search to narrow down your search results.

And no I didn't search first - this has probably been posted before.
I was also one of the "search challenged"....
Just the FAQs...:
You can search for posts based on user name, word(s) in the post or just in the subject, by date, and only in particular forums.

In fact, it's even recommended. You'll find that a lot of questions have already been asked before.

To access the search feature, click on the "Search" link at the top of most pages.

You can search any forum that you have permission to search - you will not be allowed to search through private forums unless an Administrator has given you the necessary security rights to do so.

When searching through ScubaBoard please note that the software will only find words that are four characters or longer. The way around this is easy. Just add a * to each three character word you want to search with. So, PFO would become PFO*.

Alternatively, you can use Google. If you enter this text "PFO" as a search criterium you'll only get hits on ScubaBoard.

Don't forget you can also use the Advanced Search. This will allow you to search in a combination of specific forums, while exluding other forums, with or without child forums, in a certain period etc.. There are lots of options.

Feel free to ask any Board Guide, Moderator or Advisor for assistance.

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