No.mempilot:Thanks Don. Kinda what I figured. Do supporting members get amnesty from occasional runins with da law?

As Don said, i think it started out as something you could change when you became a veteran (>1000 posts), then it was opened up for all, then when Pete put in the new supporting member idea he had to offer incentives. Its cheap, helps with the running of the board (new servers came off that and ads), you get more PM space, ability to PM more people, change your name colour (if you want), and of course can change that title line. If you want it changed maybe Natasha or UP or Dee (or head for TechAdmin or Pete) might be able to do it, they are supervisors (two ranks up from your common/ordinary mod like me) and have those kinds of powers, i dont. Shame you cant make the M&G at Renee's on sunday, you'll be missed (as much as some of us have run-ins with "the law" from time to time, we are still friendly and enjoy meeting SB folks we have yet to actually socialise/dive with)