How to build towable metal detectors etc...??

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Port St Lucie Fl
Hello, I am new to ya'lls hobby.:) I don't know about most of you but as a single father of two there just is not enough money to go out and spend the amount that fisher is selling some of this stuff for.;-0 I have alway been really good at build stuff that works (many not look pretty) and looking at this towables (Metal Detector, mags, side scan sonar) I know I could build the houseings, Is there anywhere to get the scmatics/plans to build these type units?:confused:

Also is there anywhere to buy buildable metal detector kits for the beach?:confused: My boys and I like build project togheter and it is even better when it is something usable for them.:D
wow ... a crazy idea ... some people have so much time on their hands... go for it ..

its not that I have to much time just to little money:rolleyes: No seriously I do like building things and I rarely sleep more then a few hours per day so I have a little extra time it's ture

P.S. " thanks for the links I check them"
I have a Underwater metal detector. I thought about the same thing but using a 1/2 inch PVC about 4 foot long for the search coil.

I was thinking about buying a cheap metal detector at wal-mart and taking apart the search coil to see how it was made. Then mocking it into the PVC. I think if I put the wires into the PVC and filled it with resin it would be waterproof and would sink to the bottom. I would use a longer water proof wire. But the same unit just above the water.
I dont know if you would lose any strength or sensitivity with a longer wire.

"if you can think it, you can make it"

Its still on the drawing board and to do list.

I live in Cape Coral FL , SW Let me know when you get down this way or get one built.
I am down in Port St lucie now . I actual found some old artices on building a magnetometer and some on building a regualur metal detector but nothing in the line of a towable "fish".

In reply to your idea the PVC if sealed should keep everthing dry just make sure to use the good gule and not the cheap stuff you normal see on the shelf. You also may want to consider the PVC will float , you may want to mold some small lead weights to give it a negative floatation affect
built mine using a towtec board from Eric Foster (been several years ago probable out of them now) used 1inch PVC with 90 degree bends. It is about 5ft by 2 1/2 ft. the wire used was 11 turns of #24 enameled wire. Used 100ft of BR19th wire (probable can use RG-58). in the yard it was picking up boat trailers and anchers at 2 to 5 ft. Hope to get it finished and use it in water this summer.

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