How often do you check the board during the day?

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Reaction score
Southern California
# of dives
500 - 999
It's interesting that if you look at the board statistics, you see ( at least as of today )

"Most users ever online was 420, 08-24-2004 at 09:36 AM."

Now, I know we have a large international community here on the board, but, by far the majority of the users are in North America. Note the date and time - Tuesday morning ( pacific time), not a holiday.

So, I ask, does everyone spend their working hours as I do, often checking the board? :05: .
I check it early in the am (about 2am) then about 2x at work and again when I get home.
More times than my boss would be happy with.
I check it with my morning coffee before work, and again at night.
I go into withdrawl if I don't check in for two days or more...........unless I'm diving ;)
about 3-5 times daily
hum as oftain as my work allows which some days not enough if these dang hurricains don't stop might as well move to FLA !!!!!!!!!!!!
During work hours, maybe 5 times... at home the window is always up!!!
If I wake up early in the morning, say 5 A.M., I will log in & browse. Every evening for 1-4 hours is a definite. Every non-working weekend morning, once or twice throughout the day, & then again in the evening. If I have been through every thing that interests me, I minimize SB & bounce around the net for a while. Pathetic, isn't it?
I won't say i'm in and out everyday, cause it's usually several times a day, kinda like scubafool.

Weekdays its usually minimized while I am at work. I check in couple of quick times during the day and when I get a extended break (my students wouldn't stand a snowballs chance if I didn't have a place to zone). Evenings it takes me half hour to a hour unless I am out late then I'll make time to catch up at work. What the boss doesn't know won't hurt her. :)
OK I decided to do the math.
I'm on the board at least 20 hours a week. 20 x 52 weeks = 1040 hours.
Now times that by 4 years! Ouch! :11:

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