How much weight for 1836 and Fusion?

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I just received my new Fusion this week. It is awesome. Fit is fantastic. I took it out yesterday for a tryout dive in the quarry. I'm wearing the Pro undergarment (1836) with a Steel 120.

What amazed me was how much weight I needed to sink. I'm 5'9" and 180 lbs. I had to add about 30+ lbs of lead before I could get down. Is this normal? My old suit was a Mobby's Trilam with a pretty thick undergarment. Nowhere near 30 to get negative. Did I have trapped air in the suit? Any help?
Just curious as to which fusion skin you are using? I also had a question about the limited-edition skin needing more weight to sink since it was made of neoprene instead of lycra. Hope someone chimes in that can compare.
Just curious as to which fusion skin you are using? I also had a question about the limited-edition skin needing more weight to sink since it was made of neoprene instead of lycra. Hope someone chimes in that can compare.

since you have drysuit experience, this isn't likely your issue, but just as a data point i needed 14 more lbs when i started with my drysuit and don't need any extra now. i just got used to it.
OK. Figured it out yesterday. Trapped air in the BP. Duh. Now down to 20lbs after much playing around and getting used to the thing.

Initial feeling: Easy to don; MUCH easier with a buddy despite the Fusion Houdini video on Youtube. My buddy has a new Fusion and the two of us took less than three mins to don together. Comfortable and quite flexible. I needed an extra layer to augment the 1836 in bottom temp of 45F. Even easier to doff. I like a lot. Now where's my Tech Skin?

Question for Whites: Does the neoprene Tech Skin add positive bouyancy? Is so, how much?
It might add bit a buoyancy, but not much...maybe a pound ...


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