My course would only be the 2 dives, although if something was really wonky this instructor would require a 3rd. As with all courses the card is given at the discretion of the instructor, an instructor does not need to give out a card out at the end, even if his course is only two dives, if he does not feel the student is ready. I know your course is over several days, but how many dives are you doing?
I think part of what is lost in translation is that your course covers the full introduction of solo diving with people that don't have a lot of experience with lift bags and pony bottles, where as this instructor expects his students to already know how to shoot a lift bag, deploy a pony bottle, have good fining techniques. I feel like your class is more of an advanced certification that gets you the solo cert and a lot of other solo certifications are like a nitrox course in that you have the skills and experience, but need to pass the exam and "check the box" with a checkout dive.
Question...if someone has passed intro to tech would you feel as strongly about your solo cert course or would you be fine with it being 2 dives like I have described?
I agree that those problems you pointed out are something that can be addressed, but are also at the discretion of the actual diver. A solo card is the learners permit for diving alone and to make you aware of the things you need to consider when diving alone. Anyone who passes this solo course and does a 100ft solo Ocean dive without (a lot of) previous experience of doing that dive with a buddy (implying lift bag, SAC rate, etc) is an idiot.
Most of my buddies are full tech certified, I dive with a pony, I have experience shooting up between 12-24 lift bags (my best was +/- 2ft, my worst +/- 5ft). I do out of air, mask clearing, lift bag, reel work, on most of my dives.
I really just want this certification so that I can dive Dutch Springs and maybe the occasional Caribbean charter alone. I do a lot of navigation and exploration at dutch, trying the figure out all of the best ways to find things underwater and that style of diving is not for everyone.