hehe don't mind BabyD, technobro. His brashness is just the way he is.

He doesn't mean it in a bad way and he gets over things very easily.
I do agree you'll make a better living in the PI as an instructor. DMs work on a local salary, that's why many shops tend to hire locals. Not only is it economical for the shop, that is the way dive shops support the locals - many of the local DMs come from simple fishing villages/towns and becoming a DM guide is a sense of pride for them and their family.
For PG specific info, I'm pretty sure Asia Divers in PG has an internship program. I met a girl from holland doing it. For long term accomodations, check out sunsplash resort. Also, PM Matt Reed for more info, as he is the dive shop manager for Atlantis Resort in Dumaguete (formerly in PG). As for the WiFi, you are correct - Batangas should have good net connection. Although I would be more worried about catching the boat over to Batangas if the weather is bad! But don't worry, the wifi in PG is decent.
There is currently a couple living in dumaguete doing what you want to do - doing internet work while living and diving there. I can't remember their username, but check out the recent dumaguete threads for some info.
And just to let you know, you have an added asset of speaking both English AND FRENCH (ie a whole chunk of European divers!). That in itself is a plus for dive shops wanting to take you on. Well, if you want to count Quebecois as French....lol just kidding.
Hope that helps.