How much does gas cost in your neck of the woods?

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To get that much energy either requires significant investment in many breeder reactors (currently illegal in the US thanks to Jimmy Carter) .

Am I correct in thinking that Peanuts/Groundnuts make good biodiesel????

Welcome to the real world USA....

Petrol is about Euro 1.2 a liter here in Italy.

Gas - a EAN32 12 liter fill is Euro 6.00.

Have a nice day.
The US is the real world, we have even had the same currency between states for quite awhile now..............
(Y'all don't gotten motorway tolls yet have you??).

I'm looking at flights to Florida - be carefull about your offer!!


Yeah we do, there are things called the Veterans Expressway, the Beeline, the Florida Turnpike, Alligator Alley!

The US is the real world, we have even had the same currency between states for quite awhile now..............

OK I have to give in on that one... I'll speak to Tony Blair (or Mr Bean as Homer quite rightly called him).

I'll give in a bit on the turnpikes too. Last time I was in New York they were a few dollars. However, I don't recall paying for the freeway as such. But that was a while back Petrol was $1 a gallon then..

Carefull guys you are starting to sound reasonable!!

Have a better day.
Am I correct in thinking that Peanuts/Groundnuts make good biodiesel????

ANY oil that can go through the injectors and lubricate the injector pump will work. This includes most vegetable and animal fats if it's liquid at the injector pump temperatures, old crankcase oil cut with kerosene to make viscosity, and bunker fuel oil (one step up from asphalt) if it's heated to abut 100°C.

The high fuel prices in The States right now is thanks to our Congress & EPA, not the oil companies. The oil companies have all become simple brokers. COUNTRIES now produce oil, and to a large extent contol refining. The companies have primarily turned into brokers thanks to nationalization of assets elsewhere in the world and the EPA rules currently in effect in the US. The shortage of refining capacity and the EPA "mix" rules are driving the current price spike.

The shortage of refining capacity is has been developing for 20 years ever since the EPA and Congress developed rules that effectively prohibit building new refineries on US soil, or the repair of existing ones as the parts age. As you fork over the extra $s for fuel it's important to realize that about half of the price is due to a "hidden" tax congress imposed by restricting infrastructure development.

Perhaps the voters should remember it in NOV and encourage the Treehuggng Congresscritters who set up this trap to find other employment! I personally think this has about the same odds of happening as Slick Willie voting Liertarian, but I can always hope.

The shortage of refining capacity and the EPA "mix" rules are driving the current price spike.

you got that right
There are several reasons why the prices of gas are rapidly rising. First of all – difficult situation in the Middle East. Conflicts in Venezuela and Nigeria. At the same time the increasing demand – mostly caused by China and India.
Everyday all over the world 70 millions barrels are extracted. 40% of it is done by the OPEC countries. They are also the only ones that – according to specialists - can increase the volume by 10 – 15%. But they don’t want to. I can understand that – after all the higher prices of oil the more income for the state. This is not a charity organization.
The price of gas in the US is not strictly dependable on the price of oil. US problem mostly is caused by the lack of new refineries and the environment regulations. In fact California asked EPA to have the permission to change some of these regulations to lower the price of gas.
And the statistical data – average American family spends 3% of its income on gas. Average US company spends 4%.
Somebody asked about the taxes in the European price of gas. Poland is not a good example but:
40% of the price is the excise tax. 22% is VAT. 3% is the so- called “road tax” and 2% is another tax I don’t understand.
It all sums up to 1$ per liter of unleaded 95.
ANY oil that can go through the injectors and lubricate the injector pump will work. This includes most vegetable and animal fats ......

Err I was thinking more of Pres Carter's previous job there..

Chris :eyebrow:
How much does gasoline cost? Less than it used to, when the dollars are inflation adjusted.

If you had a chart that also showed cost/barrel of crude, I think that would be more interesting.

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