As I said before, my interest is not in this particular case, which I posted just as an example, it is more in general.
It happens relatively often that I have similar sympthoms (usually for a shorter period, like one day) after conservative dives (less than 35m deep, well below the decompression limits, air or nx32). Also, I never had any sympthom just after the dive - sympthoms start the day after usually (sometimes I feel fatigue some hours after the dive, and I need to sleep, which happened once after a 9m training dive - probably it was more fatigue due to training than due to deco issues).
I just wanted to know if anybody has similar issues, which apparently is not the case (at least, it is not the case for people who saw this thread). If there isn't any way to rule it out, as it seems to me from your comments, I guess the best idea is to discuss this problem with a doctor to be sure that there is nothing else.
And maybe a heated undergarment, just to be sure that these sympthoms have nothing to do with cold, would be a good investment (when I will find the money...)
Thanks a lot to everybody for your comments!
It's possible that you are experiencing repeated incidents of subclinical/minor decompression sickness, but it would be hard to tie in the ear and sinus problems with that diagnosis and given your description of what happens, I don't think DCS would be first on the list. I do think that being evaluated in person is a good plan. Did you try the ice bag?
Best regards,