How do I get a new C-card?

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Reaction score
Beaufort, SC
# of dives
500 - 999
I was PADI cert in 1978 - I'm tired of everyone pointing, laughing and snickering :rofl3:- couple of years ago in Mexico they stopped the whole show on a dive sign-up so they could all check out my card - said it was the oldest C-card they'd ever seen.....
Man, I'd never replace it were I you!

I'm sure PADI will replace it............................ for a hefty fee. :D
for sure, be proud of it. Mine was from 1990 and I only replaced it because it was falling apart.

I replaced my a few years ago. I was certified in 1976 and my wife wanted me to replace it becuase it was broken in two. I tried to do the electronic on-line on the PADI web site but I was not in their computer system. I called PADI and they did a manual search through the micro-fish files and sent me a new card. I was able to make the application on line and upload my picture. I paid the same $55 bucks that everyone else pay's for a new card. I still have my old one and keep it in an old log book (I stopped logging dives in 1985). My new one still has my cert date on it.
55 BUCKS! dam..., yeah, mebbe I'll keep it - it's starting to come apart - maybe try re-laminating it. The photo doesn't realy look like me though.....I'm much better looking now....
I haven't been certified nearly as long as you, 1989 for me. It delaminated and is now gone. I've requested a new one from my LDS (PADI)

My X was certified in 1972. He was the worst diver on the boat. Even kicked the regulator out of my mouth when he turned abrubtly. Wonder why he's the X?
Opps, my bad. I included the expidited service and donationto project AWARE. Regular replacement is $35.
Sorry. See below from the PADI web site:

Please mail the form along with your photo and a $35US processing fee to the following address. Add $15US for priority processing.
Customer Service Department
30151 Tomas Street
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
To help conserve underwater environments and obtain a Project AWARE version of your certification card please add a minimum donation of $5.00US. All proceeds go to the Project AWARE Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the underwater environment through education, advocacy and action. If you would like this option, please indicate on the form the donation amount that should be directed to the Project AWARE Foundation.
If you have had a recent name change, please provide copies of any name change documents. (e.g. copy of marriage license, court documents, copies of drivers license, passport, etc.)

If you have difficulty downloading and/or printing this form, contact the PADI Dive Center or Resort nearest you and they'll be more than happy to help you replace your card.
*Available in PADI Americas, Asia Pacific, and Canada.

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