Clayjar hit it right on the head. Asking for advice in the terms of perhaps what size redundant gas, number of back up whatevers, I have no problem with. This is the kind of thing I would expect from someone anticipating or preparing for their first solo dive. But to if one were to come on and ask "I think I wanna solo, what do i need?" In that case my opinion is that the person has not done enough homework or does not have the experience or mindset to try it. Just from your post you seem to have done the preliminary leg work, made the preparations and may be ready. I only say may be because I would NEVER tell anyone they are ready for it. That is a personal decision and now that I'm a "pro" (DiveMaster) I won't open myself up for any of the fallout from that kind of call. If you were to come to me and say you had 500 dives with a buddy, numerous specialties, environments from clear calm water to blackwater and asked me if you were ready to solo in order to get my ok, I would tell you no. If you asked me the same question in a different way like, I have that experience, I've decided to solo, what would you suggest specifically I might also consider? I'd do my best to make sure you had as much info as I could give you. But I would never tell you you are ready. Again only you can make that call. There is nothing wrong with asking for advice. But be prepared to take it whatever it is. I don't BS people. I'd rather have someone pissed at me for telling them they are not ready than tell them they are and then they get hurt or worse.