How about those boat clubs???

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Miami, FL
Anyone try those boat clubs????

I personally never owned a boat, But there are like 6 or so in the family. So I have done all the prep work and post clean one can handle. Im needing more dive time then those that own the boat care for. Yea buying one is an option for me, but I think after a while I will use it less due to the extra care needed for it being acualtly mine.

I came up w/: (the plan im looking for is unlimited use for a flat fee)

1. money spent will be gone after use. (Nothing to sell as if I where to buy one)
2. restricted to availability and hours of operation
3. can not personalize the vessel

1. no slip fee, maintance, or cleaning
2. Less headaches and less worries
3. I'll get to Dive MORE!

Im sure there are more feel free to add.
Im not much into fishing, spearing yes.

I love "mobile divers" boat, but i think it might be a little to much for me. (spent to much money on other stuff, plus a new house is in the near future).
I'm in a club. I've owned my own boats, too. I think it is a great idea and works great for me. You left off some of the positive aspects of the club. I think it's great that if I want a boat in Florida, I don't have to trailer one there, I can just call and reserve one and use it while there, then walk away when finished. All you pay for after you're in the club is the fuel you use. I can use marinas all over the east coast and both coasts of Florida, so I have lots of options for exploring new sites. It's also great that I'm not tied to one type of boat. I can use cruisers, sundecks, pontoon boats, sailboats and several types of fishing boats. Based upon my ownership experience and the current market, the cost of the club roughly equals the slip I would keep it in.

I've always gotten a boat when I wanted one.

Any questions, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to answer them.
I considered the same idea some years ago for my area (Massachusetts). I decided in the end the Cons outweighed the Pros. We have a lot of bad weather and everyone would be looking at the same marine forecasts. If I lived in Florida or another place where there is a lot of good weather I think it makes more sense depending upon the price of course.

I'm in a boat club in south florida. The pros and cons are as follows
1) No Maintenance
2) just pay for fuel
3 No cleaning
4) you can use a boat in many places
5) many different type of boats
6) boat membership or yacht membership
7) You can sell your membership

1) Very hard to reserve a boat
2) When you want to use a boat that's not in your home club
it's almost impossible to get one
3) They keep changing the rules
4) increase members without increasing number of boats
5) need to find somebody to buy your membership at a discount

I don't know if I would do it again. It's almost impossible to reserve a boat. They were a lot friendlier before I bought. Sometimes I try to reserve a boat months in advance and I can't. I do like the idea of getting off the boat and forgetting about maintenance and cleaning
I'm in a boat club in south florida. The pros and cons are as follows
1) No Maintenance
2) just pay for fuel
3 No cleaning
4) you can use a boat in many places
5) many different type of boats
6) boat membership or yacht membership
7) You can sell your membership

1) Very hard to reserve a boat
2) When you want to use a boat that's not in your home club
it's almost impossible to get one
3) They keep changing the rules
4) increase members without increasing number of boats
5) need to find somebody to buy your membership at a discount

I don't know if I would do it again. It's almost impossible to reserve a boat. They were a lot friendlier before I bought. Sometimes I try to reserve a boat months in advance and I can't. I do like the idea of getting off the boat and forgetting about maintenance and cleaning

Maybe it's a local thing, but I haven't had problems getting a boat. I've traveled to other clubs and gotten boats as well. I would even say that the VA Beach club treated me as well or better than my home club - they were great. I haven't tried to get a boat in FL but may try that soon. The reservation system certainly favors advance planning, but getting a spur of the moment boat is possible too - as long as it's not Memorial Day!
About how often do you find yourselves using a boat?

where would i find ppl looking to sell the membership?
About how often do you find yourselves using a boat?

where would i find ppl looking to sell the membership?

I think I've only seen two ads for membership private sales - but I don't often look, so I don't know how frequent they come available. I probably averaged two boats a week over the summer - different types and places.

I've seen ads for memberships in the Wash Post classified where boats are listed. I've searched EBAY for them, but haven't found one yet.
I found my membership in the Sun-Sentinel. When I purchased my membership I could call 2 days before, now I need to call at least a month and you can only keep it for half a day on the weekends. Now you can't keep it overnight because there are not enough boats to go around. My club has added 4 boats over the last 2 years and there are probably 4 times as many members as when I started
I found my membership in the Sun-Sentinel. When I purchased my membership I could call 2 days before, now I need to call at least a month and you can only keep it for half a day on the weekends. Now you can't keep it overnight because there are not enough boats to go around. My club has added 4 boats over the last 2 years and there are probably 4 times as many members as when I started

WOW. thanks for that perspective.

My main useage would be in miami and my be alittle in FtL.
We looked into this since there are few of these clubs scattered up the southeastern Florida coast. The problem that sflabrkr alluded to with the number of members all needing a boat at the same time was the big problem.
Plus the boats are not exactly optimized for diving. We solved this problem by buying a used 30' Century with twin 250s. It's a great offshore boat, but we have to keep it in the water so I actually want something a little smaller than I can trailer easily without using an F-250/F-350 or equivalent.
For some people who need a boat infrequently, and especially during the week, a club might prove ideal; however, given the HUGE inventory of used boats out there, you can find some killer deals with a little research.
I guess if you had a small coterie of hardcore fellow boat enthusiasts, you could form your own hui and buy a pretty nice boat with shared ownership.

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