Houston dives other than TL?

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Houston, TX
Scandalous topic I know... But had to ask. Are there any other good places to dive in the greater Houston Area?

I personally loved TL, and can't wait to get out there again. My dad is always bugging me to take him diving though, and I always worry about getting him too deep/too cold, etc...

TL is perfect as long as I can keep him above the thermocline (shouldn't be too hard). Great viz, lots of fish.... Dad gets bored quick though with a dive site. 1 day of diving out there may be all he cares to do for a year or so, so I'd like to have a few backup places to keep him happy.

Any suggestions?
Not in the Houston area. There's Lost Lake not very far from Twin Lakes but it should have stayed lost! My biggest complaint with it is the barnyard run-off into it very close to the entry points. And the barnyard critters who run through your stuff while you're in the water. There's no amenities, very few tables, and you stuff has to be laid on the ground. There's pot bellied pigs and geese that like to 'investigate' your stuff. In the process, they leave their 'contributions' everywhere. In fact, you have to be careful where you step everywhere.

There's The Reef. Years ago it was a decent place but the docks and platforms are in horrible shape. The families out number divers 5 to 1. If the music doesn't get to you, the gang members will! You can't leave your stuff out while you dive or it's missing when you return. Usually some kid has picked it up but still, you have to claim it if you find it. Personally, the last 3 times I was there, I developed an infected rash wherever my suit touched. Considering the number of kids in the water, the geese and ducks, I highly suspect bateria in the water. There were rumors of sewage from the restrooms being run into the lake and I know of one instance where the water was tested and returned positive for it. But that was about 4 years ago so take your chances.

There's always Blue Lagoon in Huntsville and some place close to Galveston I've heard about but no details.
Thanks Dee...
About what i figured. Most people I have talked to have said Blue lagoon was about it....

I'll just stick with TL :)
Wow...thanks for the tips on "The Reef". My wife was interested in checking it out next year...but from your description...it sounds like we would be better off steering clear of that area.


It's great that you can dive with your dad!! Cherish the times.

There are lots of places you can dive around Houston, if you love diving in adverse conditions and zero visibility. Visibility is the key.

I live a short distance from TL and go there from time to time. We do most of our local diving off shore in a family boat.

Let me suggest Offatt's Bayou in Galveston. The viz there is about what you would find at TL, more or less. Anumber of the commercial diving schools in the Houston area do their salt water training there. There is a public dock/pier/boat lauch right on 61st. street. You could consider an initial dive there. There are rocks and taper to the bottom at about 25-30fsw. Best time to try Offatt's is during the week. Boat traffic will be minimal.

I have also done a lot of diving and spearfishing around both the north and south Galveston jetties. These can be great. However, the diving there is highly dependant on water clarity, tide movement, time of year, and a boat is a must.

Also an interesting, but not well known site, is the Will-O-The-Wisp, a civil war side paddle wheeler lying in about 18-20fsw right off the Galveston beach. Need to catch the surf calm & clear. Good knife and wire shears are a must. Shrimpers have lost a lot of nets on her over the many years.

Years ago I used to dive in Lake Sandy, off I-10 East. I see it when I pass by. Dee told me it has alligators in there now, so I don't doubt it. Lots of gators as you get closer to Chambers county.
Where do you get in to dive the Will-O-The-Wisp? Is this a shore dive?

Does the 61st street pier you mentioned provide access to Offatt's Bayou, or is that another dive site?

They are both shore dives. Offatt's is on 61st. Street in Galveston. Actually, 61st divides Offat's Bayou and English Bayou. There is a small bridge that spans the water connection the two. Go S. on I-45 to 61st. Go right about 1/4 mile and on the right you will see where you can park and make a water entry.

The Will-O-The-Wisp is in the sand on the gulf side. I haven't been there in a few years but, as I remember, it is straight out from 72nd & Seawall a little over 150 yards, maybe 200. If I remember right, there is a convieneince store on the SW corner.

Sometime during the winter, when there is a heavy norther combined with a very low tide some of it used to be barely visible. Don't know if that still hols true or not.

It really takes a combination of favorable conditions to dive her.

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