I like these: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00JX06FX4/
They don't rust much, you can apply many times more force than with EMS shears. These are way, way better built and the screw holding blades does not fail like with EMS shears.
If you still like EMS style, consider: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B076QM3D6P
Those look nice, but I can't see where it says what the screw that holds them together is made of.
FWIW, I still have (and carry) my first pair of these titanium nitride coated trauma shears. I have dived them in salt water lots and lots of times. They do have some corrosion showing, but they work and are not (yet) in danger of emminent failure (as far as I can tell). I've had them for almost 5 years.
DGX Titanium EMT Shears | Dive Gear Express®
They're only $8. They're very low profile. And, LOTS of places have accessory pouches that are sized to hold them. I prefer the Mil Spec Monkey one that has a velcro retention strap. Also $8.
My first pouch was a DIR one (i.e. no strap). Several people here on SB said "you don't need a strap. The pouch will hold it just fine with friction.". 4 days of diving in Hawaii later and my shears were lost... I haven't lost any shears since changing to a MSM pouch. I also like that the MSM pouch is held on by a MOLLE clip, so I can take it off my waist belt without unthreading anything from my belt first.