Hood or Hooded Vest?

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Beyond the Pale
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Vienna, VA
I realized I need a hood...froze last weekend...

Anyway, I usually dive a Henderson Gold Core 5mm full and was looking at 2 options at my LDS.

Option 1 is a Henderson Gold Core hood - about $50 or so

Option 2 is a Henderson Hooded Vest thing, which I think is 3mm on the torso and either 3mm or 5mm on the hood part - about $125 or so.

Is option 2 going to be that much warmer that it justifies the extra cost?

An extra 3mm over your core will be a LOT warmer.
Hooded vests are a nice option for that a little added warmth -- it can really make a big difference. I started using one last fall when temps started dropping and have continued to use it this year, at least until water temps at depth start to get into the mid-50s.
I have both the hood and the vest and the vest really is much warmer. You probably don't need to get the Henderson gold core. That's just what I got because it was available in my size.
You can get something like a "Comp" rather than a big name like Henderson. Neoprene is, more or less, neoprene. As long as its well made and is of reasonably high grade material it'll keep you just as warm.

To the original question, yes, the vest is much warmer than just the hood. I have both, use vest during winter, hood during summer. both mine are "Comp" brand, work fine. Vest cost about 50, hood about 25 I think.

I went with a 5mm/3mm hooded vest...
I have a bare supra arctic with a hooded vest and love it. My wife has the same one, but because of a neck injury she can not wear it for very long because of compression on her neck from the torso length being a little short. We ended up cutting off the hood and buying a hood separate. The hooded vest is noticably warmer, but make sure it fits :)
I agree with everything said about the added warmth. I'll just add that hooded vests just fit better than a hood with a bib. No bunching up, nothing to tuck in.

Why is it called a hooded vest? You buy it for the hood and take the vest as a nice extra. Shouldn't we call it a vested hood?

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