I ordered a regulator Package, Hollis DC3 1st stage with 100LX Second stage primary and Hollis 100LX Octopus recently and several days ago I dived for the first time with the regulator set. There was some current when I dived and I noticed that if the main regulator or octopus is in my mouth, then a freeflow does not occur and breathing continues normally. However, if I were to take it out and attach it to the BCD or leave it to dangle, for example, the movement of water against the purge button (from me swimming or from the current) activated the purge button and the regulator begins to freeflow. I went to my local dive shop and they checked whether the 1st stage was outputting too much pressure. They hooked the 1st stage to a tank and attached a gauge to the low pressure bcd hose. The pressure was around 135 psi... the guy doing the test said that if the pressure was past 150 psi then it would be a problem with the 1st stage. He assumed that the problem is in the demand lever's position relative to the purge button (and then he said a bunch of technical terms about a valve orifice and other stuff). He adjusted its position several times, but both the octopus and main regulator freeflow as soon as they hit the water. Any current against the purge button causes a freeflow. You lightly touch the button, and it starts leaking air... it isn't supposed to be that sensitive. He then suggested that I contact where I ordered the set (Leisure Pro) before he does anything else. So what would be the best thing to do, return, exchange or send it to Hollis for a repair?
I'm also thinking about trying to repair it myself, but I need a manual. If you have a Hollis 100LX repair manual, please send it to me. Here is a link to a previous question (about the same problem) I inquired on scubaboard Purge Button Freeflow Problem .
Please advise on what to do next, I have a big dive coming up this weekend and I want to figure this out asap.
I'm also thinking about trying to repair it myself, but I need a manual. If you have a Hollis 100LX repair manual, please send it to me. Here is a link to a previous question (about the same problem) I inquired on scubaboard Purge Button Freeflow Problem .
Please advise on what to do next, I have a big dive coming up this weekend and I want to figure this out asap.