Hi everyone! I'ver just stumbled across this website while planning my next diving holiday, and thought I'd join in!
I did my Open Water and Advanced Open Water last summer in Taba - Red Sea, then had a brief holiday in Thailand in October (Koh Samed). So basically, I'm a real scuba novice.
I'm hoping to go to Thailand again this summer - three weeks in August. Any suggestions anyone? All I want is sunshine and, of course, great diving.
Look forward to hearing ffrom anyone out there!
From Jo
PS I've got some great pics from my egypt holiday, but can't work out how to post them. Any advice?
I did my Open Water and Advanced Open Water last summer in Taba - Red Sea, then had a brief holiday in Thailand in October (Koh Samed). So basically, I'm a real scuba novice.
I'm hoping to go to Thailand again this summer - three weeks in August. Any suggestions anyone? All I want is sunshine and, of course, great diving.
Look forward to hearing ffrom anyone out there!
From Jo
PS I've got some great pics from my egypt holiday, but can't work out how to post them. Any advice?