High time to take an action! Please help save Bimini

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Blacktip shark

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Dear Friends,


A number of people have been very concerned for some time about the Bimini Bay Resort and Casino’s impact on the tiny island of Bimini. The project is massive and if allowed to proceed to completion to include the planned 18 hole golf course, we feel the Bimini we all know and love, with it’s crystal clear water, abundant marine life, friendly people and laid back lifestyle will be lost forever. For a recap of recent happenings, please take a few moments to view this compelling video YouTube - Bimini bay resort - saving the sawfish.

Also, please know that we are not against the development per se. There is certainly nothing to gain - and a lot to lose - by attempting to “shut it down.” Instead, we propose that future building / expansion be limited to the huge amount of land already manufactured by the developer from dredge effluent. We feel that the vital mangrove wetlands to the north and east of the project should be left untouched. So eco-sensitive and vital to the survival of marine life is this area, it has long been designated – by the Bahamian Government - as the Number One Priority in all of the Bahamas’ 700+ islands for preservation. Why this Marine Protected Area is still not officially recognized and the area covered by it is now destined to become an 18-hole golf course, is anyone’s guess.

It is our feeling that it is not too late to preserve what remains of Bimini. The developer has deep pockets and has in place a far reaching public relations media campaign touting the benefits of his completed project. Although the “other side of the story” has received a good deal of press (please see the links to media coverage attached) the developer marches on, seemingly unstoppable. An opportunity to draw more government and international attention to Bimini’s plight has recently presented itself. A well known filmmaker spent time last week in Bimini taking an in depth look at the Bimini Bay project and the impact it’s having on the island and its environs. We’re hoping to take advantage of his footage, his talent and his interest in preserving our oceans and vital marine habitats. Doing so, however, could be expensive.

Thus far, efforts to “save Bimini” have cost concerned individuals mostly their time and expertise. A great deal of information has been disseminated over the years, raising awareness of the issue both on island and beyond. Not too long after an informative flier was circulated last summer, the Government of the Bahamas sent a task force to Bimini for a first hand look at the project. Not too long after that visit, Bimini Bay was ordered to stop dredging for at least sixty days while the many complaints and concerns spawned by the development are investigated. The resort will be told in January whether or not they can proceed and, if allowed to continue construction and excavation, what they can do. We would like to take advantage of this reassessment period to accelerate our awareness campaign. We feel our best shot at present is through a short video clip, which can be widely circulated. Obviously this will incur costs.

For the first time since our inception, we find it necessary to solicit donations. Pretty bad timing, we admit, with the Holidays fast approaching, but we really need to act before the January decision is made. You can learn more about the cause by visiting our website at Save Bimini. Should you feel you can contribute either now or in the future, please do so by clicking on the DONATE link.

Please know that every dollar given will be much appreciated and will go directly toward helping preserve Bimini. Also please know there may be duplications on our email list. If you’re affected, please contact us so we can remedy the situation. If you think an interested party may not be on our list and would like information, please email us their address and we will add it to our list.

Many thanks,


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