High Heel Fins ????

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I think the high heels only accentuate the "butt wiggle." My wife scbababe doesn't need the heels for that, and wow can she wiggle! ;) , but if she sees these fins SHE'S GOING TO WANT A PAIR!!!!!

OOOh...OOOh, I want a pair!
NetDoc, what does a cowboy wear scuba diving?
How does the cowboy hat stay on? Does leather fringe help or hinder trim?
And where do the spurs go?
ROF, Trish
Oh wow! My bro was standing behind me and he didn't even notice the fins, I had to show him the pic again. What a joke, seriously. I mean, if they made you look like her then maybe yeah but they wont so..... forget it, I'm not wearin them.
I was checking the net out and came across these High heel fins and was wondering are they coming with a new type of fins for women now ? (lol) I think the guys would love them :)


Yes, yes we do. Hey cool group, I love vintage gear too. I just signed up.
Texas Mike and I worked out quite a deal way back when... Ten Gallon hat, fin boots and a "tank" that was made out of a beer keg. The fins were easy, and the hat is a given, but I never found the keg to "destroy" so the "Cowboy Diver" never hit the suds.
Hi Scubakevdm,
Thanks !
I pretty much anymore just use vintage dive gear to dive with. Am hook on it:)

Hey netdoc, did you ever find those shoe fins that you made ?

DEB ;)

Yes, yes we do. Hey cool group, I love vintage gear too. I just signed up.
Are those fins for real? Would someone actually wear those diving?

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