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Melbourne, Australia
Hi everyone. Starting to do a bit of research for my venture into diving. Looking at heading up to Cairns early next. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you and hearing all about yours!
The thought of summer si most appealing to us in the Northern climes - and I'm not even in the cold part!!

Enjoy your Holiday!
Welcome to the board Summer (and boy would I welcome summer)
Welcome to the board Summer. You will find a lot of friendly folks here along with some good info.
Welcome aboard! The weather in Rochester, New York is windy, snowy and 19 degrees Farenheit.
Hello Summer, and welcome aboard from a fellow Melbournian. Done much diving in your home town, or are the Port Phillip waters too chilly for your liking?
Haven't dived here yet Froop. 1st dive will be cairns - will do my ow cert there. Although I might do it in melb depending on how the budget looks! Any reccomendations on good dive schools in melb?

Thanks for the welcome everyone!!

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