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Providence RI
Hi, everyone:

I started scuba in Feb. and got totally addicted after my first pool session. I was a swimmer in
high school and did not enter the water afterwards for a long time. However, it changed quite a bit.
After my pool session, I started to look for almost everything about scuba diving on the web, and
found this site a while ago.
I spend an excessive amount of time researching, reading a lot, and have to say:
This site is one of the most informative one
I have seen so far.
The information on this site influenced me quite a bit in purchasing gear.

Now after getting my Naui OW certification,
I decided to intro. myself.
I am diving in Rhode Island...

Thanks a lot for all the great information.



Hi Crystal,

Welcome from Melbourne, FL.
Hi Caron,

I had my first Open water class in
Jamestown, Ft. Wetherill, which I heard
is a very popular training site.
I also dive in Newport, and near that area.
Looking forward this summer - I will be in CA for
three month.

Hey Crystal,

I live in MA but have been diving in RI a few times (my parents live in Charlestown during the summer). Last summer I did a couple of night dives at Narragansett pier.

Welcome to the board!
Welcome Crystal,
You have discovered what all the rest of us have been suffering from and we don't want to be cured...heheheh.
You can get a 'fix' anytime you want.There's enough dealers here to satisfy your appetite,be it gear,medical,travel or just 'chewin the fat'.I'm from New Zealand and I'm just on my way on monday to Korea to instruct for 3 months and then on to Canada and Fiji.A trip of about 5 months.I'm Naui as well with a little bit of Padi thrown in for variety.You are going to love this for the rest of your life and make some great friends.Make yourself welcome here anytime....
Cheers Big Ears,
The Gasman.
Hi Greg,

You are going to teach NAUI courses in Korea?
I am in Seoul right now.
Just came here to visit friends, family, and will
go back to the US tomorrow.
I was planning to get in touch with the NAUI organization but did not have the time.

I never dove in Korea , but I have the feeling that
diving here is very different compared to the US,
and probably NZ also?

People do everything in a huge group.

I have lived in Seoul and Tokyo for quite a while before heading to the US, so let me know if need any kind of information.



Are you Korean? I've been employed through the Naui jobs board from the australasian rep for Naui.The guys I'm working for trained in Australia as instructors and are starting their own operation in Seoul and I will be giving lessons in english for 3 months.I will be divemastering for a large dive club in Seoul as well.I will be staying around Bundang gu,Sungnam City in Seoul.I fly out monday night and get there tuesday morning.It should be good.Ever since I accepted the job I've been running into koreans everywhere,including one today who learned to dive here in New Zealand and another who is studying english in Auckland and she's a member of the dive club that I will be involved with.We spoke on the phone last night.What a small world....
Where's your haunt in the U.S.? I am originaly from maple-leaf land and will be seeing my family and will also hook up with some divers on this board for a charter trip.
Have a good trip back.It's a long way back.When I go from Seoul to Toronto it will be 14 hours....sore bummitus...hehe
Stay cool till after-school.
Hi Greg,

Yeah, I am Korean, but lived longer abroad than back at home. Still, went middle, and high school there, so I am familiar with the places and culture.

I am studying Computer Science in the US and will get my
Master's Degree this Monday. Finally...
Need a break, so I am planning to just dive for the next few weeks.
I just got back to Providence RI - 14 hours was a long fight...

After graduation, I am planning to be in California for a while - and you can guess ..
I plan to dive a lot over there...




One more question:

At what NAUI branch are you working in Seoul?
I have not heard of scuba schools in Seoul that teach in English... just curious.... want to check it out next time
I am going back.

I am sure the people at the dive club will treat you well.
Have fun and let us know about your experience.


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