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Stumbled accross the forum and have spent a few days reading through some very interesting stuff. Thought I would register though so I can put in my two cents when it's appropriate.

Been diving up here in the cold north for a few years now, Alaska. Can't get enough! Got some friends who had been trying to get me to get with the program for quite a while. I originally certified in California when I was fifteen. Did some diving then fell out for about 30 years. Sorry I waited so long to get back into it, but some things have to be.

Anyway, the diving is great up here. We have great wrecks, abundant sea life (Keep your lobsters, give me King Crab. Or how about maybe a trade?). Very challenging though, but that is some of the rush.

Look forward to checking this forum out. :mean:
Welcome to the ScubaBoard, Liveordive.

As you probably have found out by surfing this place, there are a lot of nice people here, ready and willing to help with anything, diving or otherwise.
Welcome to the boards. Most people here are pretty nice. Even when you ask a dumb queston or say something off-base...they don't make you feel TOO stupid about it. :)

Glad you found us!
Welcome. Please share more about Alaska diving.
to the boards, a wealth of information is available to you here coupled with some very interesting opinions.

I'm with Paco, share some more info about the diving in the "Great White North"
Welcome aboard! You're gonna love the boards!

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