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Reaction score
Winterville, NC
# of dives
500 - 999
hey y'all! enjoyed meeting so many of you at beneath the sea this weekend!

Mike Newman:
Welcome aboard (no pun intended!). Haven't seen much about 'Beneath the Sea' - what was the highlight for you?

Hmm....do you really want to know? :D It all started with a discussion on cave arrows. LOL! Sorry Marci, I just couldn't resist.

yep. i slapped a yankee...

but totally not because he's a yankee. because he wouldn't hush!
Sorry I didn't get to meet y'all...:D

I was working the pool and Ocean Pals. Met a lot of new people, and two retired Army guys!

The Doria exhibit was da bomb! Those panels were really something to see.

I reckon I'll have to wander on down this year and dive some wrecks. I'm doing my first ocean wreck dive on the Stolt Dagali the end of April.

nice meeting you girls.

don't worry about the guy you slapped... he understands.
it's a ny thing... must be something in the water.

i guess nobody told you that you're suppose to use a phone.
apparently russell crow and naomi campbell are more informed than you. :)
well, that's not surprising. i *am* a hick, after all...
hey y'all! enjoyed meeting so many of you at beneath the sea this weekend!


You came all the way up from NC??

Hope you got to see some of the seminars. Lots of people come and just wonder around the exhibition floor and miss some of the best parts of the show.

I was there all weekend and am amaized how much i didn't see.
yep, suthnbelle & i were loose in the big city. *and* we found our way from secaucus on the bus and the subway to the pointy bottom end of manhattan all by ourselves!

yes, we heard the 'recreational diving on the doria', 'diving the dream', and i went to the cold water diving thing with bernie chowdhury. plus we got drunk, so we had a lovely weekend.

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