Looks like there is great info on this site. We look forward to reaping the wisdom of the communal knowledge.
Just returned from the BVI's. Stayed at Little Dix Bay on Virgin Gorda. Big Big $$$ but fabulous! Dive operator was Dive BVI. They did a great job, and pick you up at the dock at the resort. They also have a full time guy at Little Dix & he will rinse, store and schlep all your gear when you get off the boat.
Next trip is to Puerto Vallarta in March. We are cruising the forum for a good dive operator. Don't want the "cattle boats".
Just returned from the BVI's. Stayed at Little Dix Bay on Virgin Gorda. Big Big $$$ but fabulous! Dive operator was Dive BVI. They did a great job, and pick you up at the dock at the resort. They also have a full time guy at Little Dix & he will rinse, store and schlep all your gear when you get off the boat.
Next trip is to Puerto Vallarta in March. We are cruising the forum for a good dive operator. Don't want the "cattle boats".