Hi there future dive buddies from Ontario, Canada

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Eastern Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone out there in scuba land. I dive out of a club in Ontario Canada. We just got back from a weekend diving on wrecks in the St. Lawrence River. Absolutely fantastic. Visibility 30-40 feet. Water temperature 70 degrees. 5 dives on 4 wrecks in two days. 2 were boat dives, 1 shore dive and 2 wreck/drift dives from an island. Great place, great times.
Welcome to the board!

Hi everyone out there in scuba land. I dive out of a club in Ontario Canada. We just got back from a weekend diving on wrecks in the St. Lawrence River. Absolutely fantastic. Visibility 30-40 feet. Water temperature 70 degrees. 5 dives on 4 wrecks in two days. 2 were boat dives, 1 shore dive and 2 wreck/drift dives from an island. Great place, great times.

I would love to join for some dives over your side. I'm keen to do some wreck dives but don't know which dive shops to go and do wreck spec.. Any info would be appreciated.
Welcome to ScubaBoard!

You may want to check out our Ontario Fresh Water Freaks forum. They dive a lot and even have a shark and a fin as mascots. Have them introduce you to Spike the Shark and Fin Solo! ;)

Don't forget to fill out your profile, so that we can add context to your future posts. Also, once we know where you are geographically, you may find that you'll have a whole bunch of new dive buddies to choose from locally.

Dive safe!

Welcome to the board, we are very lucky living in this part of the world. Great freshwater diving in the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario. There are always people in the OFWF section looking for a dive.

I agree, isn't Brockville fantastic? Kingston as well - talk about your wreck central!

If you're ever up this way and want to get Wet, give me a holler!
Welcome Aboard!!!

It's addictive, but who cares?!?!?

Good friends and good info. What could be better???

P.S. - If you have not already done so, please fill out your profile.

Sounds like you have had a lot of fun. That's what scuba diving and the scubaboard is all about. Welcome.

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