Hi from the Doxa guy

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Flying Doctor

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Wow, I just can't believe that I never discovered this place earlier. I was doing a search on vintage divers and saw a post by Sam Miller and near choked. My fathers name was Sam Millar. Unfortunately he passed away last year but seeing Sam's name stopped me in my tracks.

For those of you who remember the vintage Doxa SUB dive watch, nowadays more famous as Clive Cussler's hero Dirk Pitt's choice of watch, I have just written a book on it's history which should be published in April. I was lucky enought to get Clive to write a foreword for it and I'm hoping that Mike Fletcher of the SEAHUNTERS will say a few words too. I had hoped that Stan Waterman would write something but he is contracted to Luminox and I doubt it will happen. He was gracious enough to let me use one of his old photos with him wearing the orange SUB 300T professional.

It basically all started with a site I did


this kind of took on a life of it's own and the book developed from it. I tried to make it as historically factual as possible and it talks about the development of the orange dial SUB and the Helium Release Valve and Clive Cussler's original orange Doxa. Doxa were great and supported me all the way. Loads of people sent me images and information and I'm really pleased how it turned out.

I did a site for it


for anyone who is interested. Man, I wish I had been here 2 years ago, I bet I would have had loads more info.

Welcome to the board.

And, I'm wearing my Doxa orange SUB 300T Professional right now. Congrats on all the hard work paying off; be sure to let us dive watch afficianados know of the release date for the book.
Welcome to :sblogo:
:wave-smil :wave-smil
Hi, I've a 300T also, with the U.S.Divers Dial.
Small world! My grandfather, father & son share the same name, along with an uncle..My father and grandfather were from Illinois. My son and I are Doctors.

Clive and I are friends..He worked at the Aquitic Center in Santa Ana California when he was writting Ice Berg and Raise the Titanic. He was in Ron Merker's and my basic Scuba class in 67-8 (?) I have most of his books inscribed to me...

I have a Orange faced Doxa which is on my arm as I write --It was the sign of a Orange County Diver--we all wore them. At that time Clice was a starving author and could not afford one even on a Pro Deal. That is perhaps whe Dirk wears them??

Looking forward to your book!

Yes, I have been around diving for a while.60+ years..check out www.portagequarry.com, Legends of diving, or Whos who in Scuba diving, both my son and I are listed

Yes a small world!


I am just a visitor my self,

Thanks for the welcome guys. Heck I just checked the map Sam, I live just outside Chicago about 280 miles form Portage Quarry. Close enough for a visit. Only Quarry I dived (dove??) was when I was learning in Buffalo. We scooted across the border into Canada where there was a flooded quarry. Whole bunch of fun. Big old steam engine in the middle of it. First time I ever came across something like that underwater. What a kick it must be when people find wrecks for the first time.

I'll keep you posted on the book. Due to be released at the Basel watch fair in Switzerland in April. 40th Anniversary of the Doxa SUB and Doxa have a few surprises in store :wink:

Doxa are keen to get more involved with the "vintage" divers. The guys who used the original watches and helped develop the sport. Might be able to convince them to pony up a few for raffles, awards etc etc.:14:

I'm always on the lookout for photos etc of ther vintage Doxas in use.

welcome to the board. have seen your screen name a lot when doing searches on doxa watches.

I too am a doxa owner (reissue) inspired also by the stories of CC, although my working dive watch is a Seiko automatic diver (200m) bought at Sears in 1983 after someone stole my Timex diver. (they must have needed a watch really bad). That old seiko and I have been through a lot and it keeps on going.
Flying Doctor:
Wow, I just can't believe that I never discovered this place earlier. I was doing a search on vintage divers and saw a post by Sam Miller and near choked. My fathers name was Sam Millar. Unfortunately he passed away last year but seeing Sam's name stopped me in my tracks.

For those of you who remember the vintage Doxa SUB dive watch, nowadays more famous as Clive Cussler's hero Dirk Pitt's choice of watch, I have just written a book on it's history which should be published in April. I was lucky enought to get Clive to write a foreword for it and I'm hoping that Mike Fletcher of the SEAHUNTERS will say a few words too. I had hoped that Stan Waterman would write something but he is contracted to Luminox and I doubt it will happen. He was gracious enough to let me use one of his old photos with him wearing the orange SUB 300T professional.

It basically all started with a site I did


this kind of took on a life of it's own and the book developed from it. I tried to make it as historically factual as possible and it talks about the development of the orange dial SUB and the Helium Release Valve and Clive Cussler's original orange Doxa. Doxa were great and supported me all the way. Loads of people sent me images and information and I'm really pleased how it turned out.

I did a site for it


for anyone who is interested. Man, I wish I had been here 2 years ago, I bet I would have had loads more info.


WOW...color me in the know now...cool stuff on your site! Welcome to SB! So how did you get so interested in this?
Flying Doctor ...Heck I just checked the map Sam:
Legends of Diving[/B]" series was developed and first presented last year to show case the pioneers of the sport-last year Sam Lecocq & I spoke ( Sam & Sam show) (Sam L was the designer of the first American single hose regulator in the 1940-50s and extablished Sportsways) Canadian Alex Pierce who has possibly the world's largest collection of Sea Hunt "junk" displayed and gave a very informative talk on Sea Hunt

This year we will all return along with the first lady of diving Zale Parry. Zale established the first womens depth record in 1954 @209 feet, was in Sea Hunt, and several other Hollywood productions.

In addition, Bryan Pennington, of Vintage Double Hose, will present classes on vintage double hose regulator repair, and possibly provide the oppertunity for a selected few to dive a 50 year old vintage double hose regulator. (The dive is still in the planning stage)

So wind up the rubber band on that plane and fly on over-second week in August
Doxa are keen to get more involved with the "vintage" divers. The guys who used the original watches and helped develop the sport. Might be able to convince them to pony up a few for raffles, awards etc.

>>>Any one more vintage that me are diving in the big reef in the sky..
I'm always on the lookout for photos etc of ther vintage Doxas in use.
>>>I had a number of pictures taken over the years showing my Doxa. As I mentioned it was a source of pride for the Orange county diver.

Cheers from California,... where it all began

wow, so much more here than the simple WELCOME to ScubaBoard!! It's great to have so many members -- in fact, pioneers -- of the sport on the board!


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