Hi from saudi arabia

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Hi, just found this site 2 days ago and its just great. I only started diving last year when i took a well earned year off from work and went travelling. I got completely hooked by the sheer magic of the underwater world and now cant get enough of it.
Im originally from the north east of england but am currently working in Riyadh which isnt exactly near the coast but i gotta pay for my habit some how.
Hoping to spend some time in the red sea in particular around jeddah and i have just heard of a place called the Farasan islands close to Yemen which are supposed to be great for diving. Next major holiday cant be until october, thinking of the philipines.
Anyway its great to find a site with so many like minded people, hope to have some fun chatting and hearing about all the adventures.
Hey there! I don't know if I qualify to welcome you (since I am new to the board myself), but welcome anyway!!! This is a great resource and I have learned a lot from searching the past threads. The only thing to watch out for is your pride. Please do not take anything said here personally. We all have opinions, some of us with stronger ones than others, and we may sometimes type something that may be misrread. I think everyone here is a great resource and loves to help others out. if you find yourself getting upset, you probably misunderstood the nature of the post. Good people and great times can be found here!
Welcome to ScubaBoard :D

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:cowboy: don
Welcome to the board, there is a ton of good information located here.

Jeddah is a great place to dive. I lived there for a year in the early 90's while working for Lockheed. Lots of nice walls and great reefs. Have fun and don't forget your travel papers. LOL

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