Hi from MA

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Hey...with all you guys from Massy-chew-sits, have you thought about starting a state charter of Neptune Divers International (NDI)?

It's not hard. Heck, even TexasMike did it down here in Texas and we're having a blast! If you have any questions or need help getting started, we'll be glad to help ya. :D
Hey Scott!

Glad to see you here after "meeting" you on other sites. Would love to go diving sometime (most of mine is on Cape Ann) once things warm up a little (wetsuit).

I found this site by accident (gotta love the web). But I am also one of those people who love to dive the cold Mass waters. Unfortunately living in Western Mass there arent many active dive clubs out here. With the good weather coming I would love to be able to hook up with folks heading for Cape Ann or elsewhere in NE for some diving! If I had the $$$ for a dry suit I'd be diving right now!!!!
Hi from kingston Ontario Canada.. welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum

Hope all your days are wet ones, Or dry depending how you dive. Dive Safe.

welcome to the board that is never boring!

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