Hi from MA

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Reaction score
Shrewsbury, MA
# of dives
500 - 999
Hi everyone! New to this site and wanted to try and find other New England divers. Anyone? :wink:
Just wanted to welcome you to the board. There are several divers here from New England, they should be checking in shortly. :) If you're ever in Ohio, look me up!

Ber :bunny:
Hope you enjoy the board.

Welcome from the Land which nearly joined atlantis

... via PM, but welcome to the boards!

As I've said, I would be interested in learning more about New England Dive Clubs.

Happy Diving,

Scuba-sass :)
There are quite a number of divers in the New England area.... they'll be popping up any time soon.

As for me, I'm just a wee bit north of you, a warm welcome from Canada
Welcome from Texas. My teeth chatter just saying New England!
Hi decapoddiver you must have read my mind, I was also thinking of trying to find someone around to dive with. all my buddies are seasonal divers now. Do you dive in the Cape Ann area at all?
Almost all my diving is in the Cape Ann area. I dive year round due to my DUI TLS 350 hehehehe. Let's get together and catch some bugs. Here's my site : http://www.townisp.com/~stat12

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