Hi from LA California

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Los Angeles California

Hey Everyone, I just found this board and think it pretty neat. I've been out of diving for a couple years now and very intreested in getting back in to it ina big way. I live in Los Angeles and hoping to find a good group to go diving with on a regular basis. I have about 100 dives before I changed hobbies and now I'm in the process of getting all my equipment back into shape. Anyone in the LA area intereseted in a very safe dive partner. I'd be interested in hearing from you

Looking forward to getting wet again :D
Welcome to the boards from Rochester NY.

Glad to have you here.

I've heard that a refresher course is a good Idea if you've been out of the water for more than 6 months.
Yup thats what I have in mind I'm still looking for a scuba shop that I get good feeling about.
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe ............................Arduous
welcome to the board. Great people here with a world of information for you when you need it.:)
Welcome to the board, from NJ.
You've got it right -this is the "Neatest" place for scuba info/talk/laughs.
Good luck,
Thanks everyone for this warm welcome. I've dove in some cold water to like the puget sound in seattle. It was fun then and I'm hoping it will be fun now again. Wish I could dive with all of you guys maybe one day

Thanks again :D
Welcome to the board from Vermont, where the ice is starting to melt :thumb:

Mike M
And a welcome from north of the 49th! Hi, and welcome to your new "extended family"!

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