Hi fishes ! Some bubbles from France !

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Paris, France, Europe
Hi ,

I am very happy to join this forum ! It seems great and very interesting !

Let me introduce myself in a few words : I am born in britanny (a french region near sea : Atlantic and Channel) and i'm currently living in Paris.
A free-diver since my early ages, then a fish-hunter, i decided a few months ago that instead killing fishes I should now use my know-how to capture them the other way : that is...with a Nikonos !

So I guess I have many things to learn and upgrade, I'am sure you will help !


By the way, do not expect my english to be King's English. :D
aboard, Labrax! Bubbles from France? Well, now where is my Champagne flute?
...do not expect my english to be King's English

That's okay, most of the folks on this board speak American (or one of it's creole derivatives, Texan) and don't know enough of HRM's English to tell the difference between spotted dick and bangers and mash.

We'd love to see some of your work, when you're ready.

Welcome to the scuba-board labrax!
Dive Safe!
Je suis francaise aussi, mais je vis a Philadelphie. L'eau y est aussi froide qu'en Bretagne, mais il y a moins de trucs a voir :D

Translation: hi and welcome, I am also French, but I currently live in Philadelphia. Water is as cold here as in French Britanny, but there is less stuff to see underwater :D

Disclaimer: I haven't tried NJ wreck diving yet :eek:ut:

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