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liquid skys

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Hi im new here just wanted to say hello to you all and also wanted to say thank you to Lady Diver for helping me out. she Rules.. hee hee.. anyways hope you all are haven a GREAT time hope to get to message with you all!!


little about me im from Michigan i love water.. just any kind wether its in a glass or a ocean :) when i was a kid i was sooo amazed by salt water creatures that i opened a salt water aquarium and have stuck with that since.
its a whole diffrent world under the liquid skys.. ( hence the user name)

i also have a love for music. I have played the drumms for the last 13 years. gotta love rock-n-roll

well ill stop blabbling on now..
glad to be aboard!!!! :wink:

and a WARM Welcome from ARIZONA :tree:

Glad to have you here on the best SI around
A warm and :sunny: welcome to you from Thailand, liquidskys... (love the name, btw)
thank you to all that have replyed.
i already feel welcome and am enjoying the board so far love reading the threads. some really GREAT info..

keralucu--- that little icon symbol that you have is really awsome.
what does it stand for!? looks really neat!
and thank you for the compliment on the user name.. :)
It's the Balinese version of the Hindu "Om" or "Aum" symbol

It's also my month and a half old tattoo design which took me a very long time to work up the courage to have done... The symbol and it's design are very important to me and I'm very pleased with my new tatt! :wink:
a 'warm' welcome from north of the 49th. You'll enjoy yourself here, you'll learn lots and meet some real interesting folks.
Welcome to the best board on the internet! Careful, you might find yourself spending so much time here you forget to do the little things, like sleep! The people here are great and as you've seen there's all kinds of information to be had! See you around the boards!
Ber :bunny:
Glad to have you aboard. Don't be shy jump right in.

Let me extend my greetings to you as well. I just joined this board myself, and share your sentiments about the great threads. As a fellow musician (but horrible drummer!), one of the things I love to see is the camaraderie and sense of family that divers share -- it's very much like the camaraderie that exists between musicians, or anyone with a shared passion.

I agree that you came up with a great user name (wish I had thought of it first!). I bought a t-shirt in Fla. a couple of years ago that has a diver swimming against a blue background with a couple of silhouetted birds -- liquid skies! One of my favorite dive shirts.

Have fun, and please share your dive experiences with all of us.
Scuba Legs

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