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Kingston Ontario Canada
I've beena member a short while. But I have neglected to stop by here and say Hi.. to all you fellow divers out there.

I'm in Ontario Canada on lake Ontario. have been diving for 7 years now. I am a PADI dive master. love to dive. have 350 logged dives. also advanced nitrox and stage decompression. well BYE for now. :wink:
Welcome to a great place to hang out! Jump right in and tell us about the diving up there!
I too am a solo diver, I just go by a different name.
I curious, do you make deco dives, and if so, Alone?

I had to ask.

Glad to have you aboard. I am also glad that you finally introduced yourself and made your membership official. Now I look forward to reading your post.

Welcome to the board, I hail from just up the road from you in Ottawa!

You'll enjoy yourself here, you can meet some real interesting folks.

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