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Having participated in about 30 OW classes now (to gain experience only, not in any teaching capacity) I've seen so many people experience the same thing. Everyone is right, your LDS is the best place to go. Don't be afraid to ask to arrange a brief meeting with the instructors available before you choose a class. Being comfortable with your instructor and DM will help tons! And people ARE truly grateful (I've cried many happy tears with students who didn't think they were going to make it) for any support and encouragement. Sometimes, even knowing when to advise trying again another time can be the difference. Best of luck to you and much support coming your way!:) Don't give up!
Hi Barb,
Other people have said to me they felt rushed by the commercial certificate agency. Do you have the option of learning through a suba aqua club in your area? Training on our local club scene is very slow, the trainee gets many hours in the pool to practice and learn basic techniques before they enter the sea. Regarding ballast weight, diving without a suit I needed 8lb when I started, to stay underwater in the pool. It took time, but now that I have learned to relax, I don't need any ballast weight for pool work. Perhaps when you relax you don't tend to fill your lungs so full, or maybe tension changes your buoyancy factor. You already realise it would be best to find a place where you can get instruction and practice and progress at your own pace.
Hi From Kingston Ontario Canada..
Welcome to the SCUBA Board. Hope you enjoy the forum. Don't be afraid to ask Questions or to do Posts..
Hope all your days are wet ones.. or dry.. depending on how you dive..
I think Ber Rabbit has outlined it best. I too had a fear at first and for a long time ( most of my life), had a fear of water even though I loved being in it, just not in the deep. U need to take a longer class and slowly ease into your dives. 1 at a time and shallow.
Practice, practice, practice those skills you hate like flood mask, buoyancy, regulator recovery, reg in and out of your mouth always breathing out etc etc etc. When you can do these not fun at all skills with ease, you too will be at ease. At your own pace is the KEY!

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