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Chris, did you notice that I was wearing a Zeagle shirt last weekend? :D

Scott, should have seen all the cat fish that were at Fallig Rock last weekend. We are talking big boys!! Chris, got a pic of big blue for Scott?
Heck, I thought the t-shirt came with the new BC you were sporting
that weekend. I'll get some more pic's out to you shortly.
Picture of BB

Cool pic.

Are those things good to eat??

A spear about 2" behind the eye would have that bad boy in the fryer!!! :wink:

What BC did you end up getting, Wally? If you told me, I have forgotten!!!

Yes cat fish are good to eat. Hell to skin, yes skin, but good eats. I don't think that Joe really wants one, or two, of his babies killed but he will complain about them eating all the minnows. Should have seen the video that Chris shot, had to have been 30 total in the shallows. Looked like a bunch of nurse sharks

My "new" BC is a almost year old Brigade. Knowing the way I take care of things it will look new in another 3 years.

Thanks for the pics Chris. Always interesting to see myself and critique myself. I thought I was dragging a console in one but it is the worn out bungee allowing it to hang down. Rental gear what do I expect! If I wasn't looking at buying a dry suit I would buy my regs this winter. Gotta keep Hoosier company on the ice dive. :D

BTW Scott, who did you guys pay off for all the PR in the dive rags these last couple of months? I saw a chick doing a shore dive with a Tech in one rag and now the muscle regs and the new BP/W this month.
BTW Scott, who did you guys pay off for all the PR in the dive rags these last couple of months? I saw a chick doing a shore dive with a Tech in one rag and now the muscle regs and the new BP/W this month.

Yeah, I saw those, too!!

We have done pretty well with the free publicity this month.

Maybe they are trying to make up for the bad guy in "Into the Blue" who was using the Zeagle reg (with the purge cover on sideways, making the Z look like an N) who got shot in the face with the speargun!!!! :D
Yes cat fish are good to eat. Hell to skin, yes skin, but good eats. I don't think that Joe really wants one, or two, of his babies killed but he will complain about them eating all the minnows. Should have seen the video that Chris shot, had to have been 30 total in the shallows. Looked like a bunch of nurse sharks

My "new" BC is a almost year old Brigade. Knowing the way I take care of things it will look new in another 3 years.

Thanks for the pics Chris. Always interesting to see myself and critique myself. I thought I was dragging a console in one but it is the worn out bungee allowing it to hang down. Rental gear what do I expect! If I wasn't looking at buying a dry suit I would buy my regs this winter. Gotta keep Hoosier company on the ice dive. :D

We will have to talk Joe into the fish fry next year!
Your trim and gear looked fine, did you check the swim through video
I posted over on my site?
Yeah, I saw those, too!!

We have done pretty well with the free publicity this month.

Maybe they are trying to make up for the bad guy in "Into the Blue" who was using the Zeagle reg (with the purge cover on sideways, making the Z look like an N) who got shot in the face with the speargun!!!! :D

You actually went to see Into the Blue ?? I was watching a program the other day with the GF and they had a couple of divers in it. One of them started feeling weird and didn't come up and his buddy was nowhere to be found. Of course they made it sound like he was dead no matter what. She is scared enough about me diving I didn't need that. So I had some explaining to do. Probably like a doctor watching a medical show.

Good thing that Zeagle doesn't sell spearguns or they would have had the bad guy using one and killing off huge grouper. :D

Will have to check out the video. Especially that weirdo that peaks in at the end.

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