Thank you very much for the replies, and yes I only stated fins because I had been reading on here for a bit and had already learned about needing to try on masks at a lds.I appreciate all of the info, I'll definitely use the knowledge when I go to find my basic gear. That being said, being a starter diver, my first trip is in April. Going to Cozumel, Mexico. One of the "shore dives" i guess you could call it? Or the 30 minute out reef dives, have currents. Is there a particularly type of fin or brand that surpasses others in these sort of dives? As I branch out and do more dives I can build whatever stock of my own personal gear for each type of dive if necessary, but for now I wonder if there's a certain route to take. Or can I just buy "good enough" fins and just look to match gear cosmetically without worrying too much on stats?
The reefs on Coz are too far off shore for shore diving.
I didn't bring up the spring straps for your fins. I love mine but they will set up back about $40 and you are already going to be spending some coin.
Another item I didn't mention is a neoprene strap for your mask. You will be putting on and taking off your mask a lot in training. A slap strap will make the task easier.