Forwarding this question from a local board.
I had a custom wetsuit made by Atlan about 2 years ago. First year after each dive I meticulously rinsed it in cold water, scrubbed any dirt marks and hung it to dry in the shade. I washed it wetsuit soap every month or so and at the end of my dive season, I hung it on a wide hanger in a closet where it would not be touching anything so it wouldn't get squished at all.
The second season it seemed a bit tight and there were some shrivel lines through it. Okay, so maybe my shape changed a bit (not likely but hey, I'll give the suit the benefit of the doubt). After a couple of diveweekends I noticed that practically the whole suit had shrivel lines and was really tight. Now I'm not talking about in the spare tire zone. I mean the biceps and calves are tight to the point of being painful. I had gouges in my arms after a dive as a result of the suit digging in which I did not have the previous year. And I haven't been doing great amounts of bodybuilding or running to enhance those particular zones.
I took it to my LDS and he agreed it looked funny and sent it back to Atlan. I spoke with my LDS yesterday and Altan thinks I put the suit in the washer on HOT and then in the DRYER!! At this point they are offering to make me another suit at a reduced cost to me.
Has anyone seen or heard of such a problem?
I had a custom wetsuit made by Atlan about 2 years ago. First year after each dive I meticulously rinsed it in cold water, scrubbed any dirt marks and hung it to dry in the shade. I washed it wetsuit soap every month or so and at the end of my dive season, I hung it on a wide hanger in a closet where it would not be touching anything so it wouldn't get squished at all.
The second season it seemed a bit tight and there were some shrivel lines through it. Okay, so maybe my shape changed a bit (not likely but hey, I'll give the suit the benefit of the doubt). After a couple of diveweekends I noticed that practically the whole suit had shrivel lines and was really tight. Now I'm not talking about in the spare tire zone. I mean the biceps and calves are tight to the point of being painful. I had gouges in my arms after a dive as a result of the suit digging in which I did not have the previous year. And I haven't been doing great amounts of bodybuilding or running to enhance those particular zones.
I took it to my LDS and he agreed it looked funny and sent it back to Atlan. I spoke with my LDS yesterday and Altan thinks I put the suit in the washer on HOT and then in the DRYER!! At this point they are offering to make me another suit at a reduced cost to me.
Has anyone seen or heard of such a problem?