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chickdiver once bubbled...
Hey, try explaining to a date/ potential so that youa re going diving for the 8th weekend in a row, and yes it's with Duane, the Marine Pilot (again), and no, theres nothing going on, we're just pals, and yes you can come but I am not babysitting you you can only watch. See how long that lasts - to date I have run off no less than 10!! :)

You just need to find one that doesn't need babysitting and can just go with you.

No one like that around here though we might be OK in the water, got to take that seriously, but on the surface most of us still need babysitting.....just look at me and O-ring when we post on here.

No way! When would I ever get away and be able to complain than??? :rolleyes:
Why would you have to complain then? :D

Isn't that the whole point of having a "significant other"- so that you can complain to your friends abouth them? (I'm really not this jaded, I just think it's funny!):eek:ut:
chickdiver once bubbled...
Hey, try explaining to a date/ potential so that youa re going diving for the 8th weekend in a row, and yes it's with Duane, the Marine Pilot (again), and no, theres nothing going on, we're just pals, and yes you can come but I am not babysitting you you can only watch. See how long that lasts - to date I have run off no less than 10!! :)

This exactly what I did. My wife spent many nights (winter even) in the car reading while I did a night dive. Weekend picknics took place during my SI. She learned to dive in short order. Cave diving was her idea (I took some convincing).

If you have a day job I do believe it's important for a good spouse to be able to mix gas and service equipment though. There are some weeks that if I had to do all that myself in preperation for the weekend dives I just wouldn't be able to dive.
That's OK I really am that jaded.

I had a spouse who was a cave diver (we did the training together) was my dive buddy, and mixed gas. The competition got too fierce and it all blew up. Now I dont have to worry about sharing my gear! :)
chickdiver once bubbled...
I had a spouse who was a cave diver (we did the training together) was my dive buddy, and mixed gas. The competition got too fierce and it all blew up. Now I dont have to worry about sharing my gear! :)
The last person I dated was a diver and when diving it never worked out quite right. We had fundamental differences in opinion about diving and what constituted "good diving". That wasn't what ended the relationship, but it contributed to not getting along well on dive trips :)
In the water we didnt have problems. Our biggest arguements centered on who was gonna get the next new: set of doubles, HID light, Gavin, etc. It was hell trying to buy 2 of everything!!

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