CUrrently in Bonaire and having difficulties with strobe settings. Read some of the old threads and cant seem to get it right. Pictures are coming out too washed out.
Read one thread started by MSParamedic where someone said to start with shutterspeed of 125 and F-stop at F-6, however.....I cant seem to be able to set them both at the same time. I can get them to go individually, but not at the same time. I tried my modes (not super familiar with these) and there does not seem the option to set F-stop and apt.
We are somewhat novices and dont get the chance to use the camera very often. Sorry if this is a stupid or simple question.
Any suggestions would be appreciated and the more detailed the instructions the better.
Read one thread started by MSParamedic where someone said to start with shutterspeed of 125 and F-stop at F-6, however.....I cant seem to be able to set them both at the same time. I can get them to go individually, but not at the same time. I tried my modes (not super familiar with these) and there does not seem the option to set F-stop and apt.
We are somewhat novices and dont get the chance to use the camera very often. Sorry if this is a stupid or simple question.
Any suggestions would be appreciated and the more detailed the instructions the better.