I have two transmitters set up as T1 and T2. One on each regulator. When using one tank and just using one regulator how do I get both T1 and T2 to display air pressure without changing settings. Meaning If I use Regulator with T1, I would like the air pressure T1 to be displayed and I understand T2 would say "no comm". I want to now change regulator to Regulator with T2 so T2 air pressure would display and T1 would say "no comm". Basically it is like diving side mount with two regulators attached....I went into settings and changed it to sm T1+T2 and when I went to the display on the Perdix only T1 was displaying...so I went to change that to T1 + T2 and I could not find that option?? So clearly I am doing something wrong! Thanks