deepsea21 makes good points about eating out, something I love to do in Coz. But to me, after long morning dives, nothing is better than lazily hitting the pool at the villa, going through pics from the dives, taking a long walk, or reading a book until dinner. I'm an early-to-bed type, so by having breakfast and lunch at the villa, I can go out at 6:30 or so for a great dinner and be in bed early. Otherwise lunch is at 2 or2:30pm and then I'm not hungry for dinner until way late.
I can happily get by with just a few ingredients that gives me a full breakfast and lunch. My list is 18 eggs, 1/2 kg bacon, some bananas, 2 bags bread, 2 sticks butter, 1 jar of preserves, an avocado per day, a few limes, a bag of frozen veggies, a bag of tortilla chips, some pastries, and a block of cheese. $25 or so at Mega. That gets me a full breakfast every day, plus a grilled cheese, veggies, and chips with avocado dip (I don't do onions but you could add one of those for guac), and dessert. If you plan ahead and enjoy the routine like I do, it's worth cooking at your own place!
Also you mentioned you get cold. The huge difference maker for me has been a neoprene beanie/cap. Have you tried one? I don't like hoods but a beanie gives full range of motion and has really helped me through many weeks of multi-dive days which I otherwise couldn't handle.
Thanks to all who have taken time to reply to this thread. I am going to use dive operator(s) you have recommended and also am going to stay where ya'll have suggested. If I wind up staying the whole month in Cozumel rather than wandering down the coast to Xcalak or northern coastal Belize, I'll post a comparison of a month in Cozumel vs. a month in Utila. Also, thanks to backdrop for the beanie suggestion -- I just got a hood and will be trying it for the first time on this trip, but I am thinking it may be too bulky/bothersome so I'll also try a beanie. As I remember, when I was doing a fair amount of Caribbean diving 1975-1995, almost none of the rec divers wore a beanie or a hood. I'll try both.