Help On Female Equip Selection

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I've been using the Diva for about ten years now and really like it. As far as fins...I used the Mares Avanti Tre full foot fins for many years and still love this fin. I recently purchased the Scubapro TwinSpeed split full foots and love them too. I agree with those who suggested renting some different stuff before buying. My LDS does have the option of test diving many (though not all) types of fins, BC's, regs, etc before perhaps yours does too. Good luck!
force fins. eh...

the LDS had me try it and every time i use it , it was like i was not kicking anything but still had propulsion.

i am just used to the hard fins where i can feel the drag of the water
I love my Diva XLT. Due to a short torso and big bust, every bc I wore rode up, was uncomfortable and covered my weight belt, or released it (that was fun... NOT. At least it was in the pool) The XLT has the intigrated weight pouches that slide in & are easy to get out in the water. It also has 2 non dumpable pouches in the back.

You should see if your LDS will let her try out different fins in the pool. The one I tested thru in FL said when I came back down & wanted new fins, to come in & they would let me try the different ones out in the pool when they were doing a class, rather than me buying new ones & not liking them. MY DS here in NJ has been great about my returning gear that didn't work once I was in the water, but I would have rather tried it before I bought it in the first place.

Just my $0.02. Good luck.
In my experience with women that I've taught (and helped with gear selection) most tend to like back inflate BC's. The reason being that without the inflation extending around the front, there tends to be more room for the "natural bouyancy compensators" that women are already equipped with. Most tend to prefer weight integrated too, since with their upper bodies tend to be shrter, and a weight belt & BC tend to crow/overlap one another.
As far as fins, there are alot out there that provide good thrust with minimal effort. It was mentioned above that swimming/snorkeling will help with cramps. That's very true, because you use different muscle groups for swimming than you do for every day activities. One fin I would suggest looking into is maybe the new Sherwood (I forget what they are called) but they have what they call Optimal Pivoting Blade (or OPB) the patent used to belong to Dacor for those. They are pretty efficient. A person with strong legs will feel like they are kicking through them, but they provide a very good thrust to effort ratio.
Thanks to everyone that has already posted!It is greatly appreciated!
I want everyone to understand that I am not trying to pick out her gear.With everything out there and all the advertisement out there,we are just trying to narrow the search down by drawing from the vast experiences from women that might have already gone through this search or anyone with knowledge in this area.(less time looking,more time diving).
We have tried the rental gear approach but you dont get a wide variety to compare.From gathering info from the people actually using the gear I feel we will be better prepared to start fitting and ultimately letting her pick what is right for her.Just didnt know where to start.Liked Isla due to vert and horizon adj straps,was not familar with others so thanks for the suggestions so far.
We will add Zena,Diva,Halcyon to list(already interested in Isla)
And thanks for the fin comments,I do think think one of the split fins will be a better experience for her.We will get a few suggestions and let her try them out at a D.S.

I have just bought a pair of Mares volo for my daughter after having tried a pair myself. She loves them. the Volo fins do not pack as much power as theQuattro but are extremely comfortable and finning requires little effort. I am using a pair of Atomic splitfins - LiquidBlue and I find them the most comfortable pair of fins I have ever used.

For BC's you may wish to check out Tusa Selene. Make sure that she is properly weighted to avoid constant and tiring finning
Because I'm not a woman, and because my wife doesn't dive, I can't help with the BC selection. However, I would like to make a recommendation on the fins and fin selection and use. Is youre wife using a full foot fin, or an open-heel design? If she is using the open-heel design, have her loosen the straps. The straps need only be tight enough to hold the fin on the foot, not sinched down on the achiles tendon! Loosening the strap may be the simple solution, and is a lot easier on the budget than buying new fins! Also, if she likes a stiffer fin, the Genesis Blitz is a stiffer split fin. The ScubaPro Twin Jet are soft fins. I have the Blitz fins, and my brother prefers the Twin Jets. (Both are the open heel design, but ScubaPro also makes the Twin Jets in full foot.)
Thanks to everyone that has already posted!It is greatly appreciated!
I want everyone to understand that I am not trying to pick out her gear.With everything out there and all the advertisement out there,we are just trying to narrow the search down by drawing from the vast experiences from women that might have already gone through this search or anyone with knowledge in this area.(less time looking,more time diving).
We have tried the rental gear approach but you dont get a wide variety to compare.From gathering info from the people actually using the gear I feel we will be better prepared to start fitting and ultimately letting her pick what is right for her.Just didnt know where to start.Liked Isla due to vert and horizon adj straps,was not familar with others so thanks for the suggestions so far.
We will add Zena,Diva,Halcyon to list(already interested in Isla)
And thanks for the fin comments,I do think think one of the split fins will be a better experience for her.We will get a few suggestions and let her try them out at a D.S.

I will give a big vote for the ScubaPro Ladyhawk. I own 5 BCD's (Tusa Platina, Seaquest DIVA LX, Mares Frontier, ScubaPro Ladyhawk, and Dive-rite trans-pac), and it is my favorite by far. I also love the dive rite...but probably moe than she needs at this point.

Tusa - Great basic womens cut BCD...very comfortable, integrated weights, well made, big pockets

Mares Frontier - low profile, very comfotable, well made, WORST weight system I've seen yet

Seaquest Diva - too bulky, but comfortable fit

Ladyhawk - low profile, back inflate, VERY comfortable, well made, best weight system I've experienced.

Dive-Rite - low profile, comfortale, lots of lift, well-made, loys of D-rings to secure danglies :)

Most important is the one that SHE feels comfortable in.
AS it has been said many times here, she should try before she buys.

1) Fins
There are different possible causes for cramps. My guesses are:
a. Fins are unsuitable: too heavy, etc.
b. They are not fitted properly - make sure they are not too tight (cuts circulation and causes general discomfort) or too loose (get too much water resistance and you compensate by kicking harder).
c. The cramps are preventable. A few flexes before diving (just like in many other sporting activities) can help. Also, a doctor friend of mine going back years suggested that eating bananas help with cramps - something to do with mineral deficiency.

Although I personally do not like split fins, I have heard reports from people who for various reasons - such as bad knees, hip injury back problems - swear by them. It may be worth a try.

TRY THEM ON and play round with the adjustments. Ideally, you'll get a chance to try it out in the water before you make the purchase.

If it's a problem with feeling like you're in a straitjacket, a back inflation may be the way to go. It sounds like the Seaquest Diva is popular amongst respondents (it's a hybrid back inflation/jacket) . I am quite fond of mine as it has good adjustments, comfortable overall fit.

If you are planning on using the integrated weights system in the BCD and you're not going to get a chance to try it out in the water, put some weights in the pockets when you're trying it on in the shop. Also, inflate and deflate a few times.

Happy shopping
TRY THEM ON and play round with the adjustments. Ideally, you'll get a chance to try it out in the water before you make the purchase.

If you are planning on using the integrated weights system in the BCD and you're not going to get a chance to try it out in the water, put some weights in the pockets when you're trying it on in the shop. Also, inflate and deflate a few times.

Happy shopping[/QUOTE]

When trying on a BC one should do it with a tank mounted to get a feel of what is like and how the weight is distributed.

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