You need at least 140 PSI (8 bars) for an hookah operating at shallow depth (3m max).
Add 1 bar even 10m depth, so 10 bars for the hookah working down to 20m (which is the max depth I reached with an hookah, and perhaps it was already too much).
You must also deliver a significant air flow, at least 50 liters/minutes at shallow depth, 100 liters/minute at 10m, 150 l/min at 20 m, and so on.
So you need a very powerful compressor, at least 1000-1500 W.
You must be a proficient and certified scuba diver for using an hookah, which can be far more dangerous than a standard scuba system.
I started using an hookah after 200 scuba dives and being certified CMAS ***.