Help me identify this fish please.

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Southern California
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200 - 499
Just came back form St. Croix (USVI) where diving was great and the shop we were diving with was fantastic. We came across a leafy looking fish about 2" long in one of our north-shore (Shark Shanty) that no one could identify. We even had a very knowledgeable marine biologist among us but we had no luck.
Could someone help identify this fish.

I appreciate your input.

Maybe you could contact someone at Search FishBase

I found them doing a bing search for "leafy fish US Virgin Islands." They had a database with over 500 species but not all of them had pictures (most of them did have pics, though). I didn't see one that looked like your photo. I bet if someone there at fishbase could identify what it is they would probably love to have your permission to use the photo.

Quite an interesting looking creature. Looks like it should hang out in some seaweed! Best wishes on finding out what it is. I would love to know what it is as well.
I concur with sea_ledford. A VERY juvenile green razorfish. (Fins have not fully become palmate yet.)
Good ID matches whats in my books. Would have taken me forever to find it looking at each picture.

Nice unusual find.
Agree. Green razor fish. What outfit did you dive with on STX? We'll probably be sailing through there over Thanksgiving. I'm looking at S.C.U.B.A.
Agree. Green razor fish. What outfit did you dive with on STX? We'll probably be sailing through there over Thanksgiving. I'm looking at S.C.U.B.A.

We did two days of diving with "N2 The Blue" at Frederiksted and the for remainder of our trip we dove with "Anchor Dive Center". Laurie at Anchor was just an angel.
I will hopefully write a report on the dive shops in St. Croix very soon, that will cover N2theBlue, Canebay, Anchor, and Dive Experience.

thx for helping out with the fish ID


---------- Post Merged at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 05:16 PM ----------

Green Razorfish juvenile.

There are a few pictures here:

thx sea_ledford.
I am amazed to see such a great variation in form, size, shape and color of these razorfish.
WOW, that is a brilliant photo. May we use it on our website?
Also, N2theBlue now has a 2nd location servicing the Salt River Canyon / The Wall. Indeed, Wiz and Laurie wrapped up their years of diving and had us take over Anchor. :) (they still do Kayaking!)

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