I have looked at trips all over the world and I think I am just getting confused. Any help would be appreciated!!!
Well, let's start by eliminating the impractical.
If you have great wealth and scads of free time, then leaving Texas to dive Indonesa, the Philipines, etc..., may be right up your alley. But if spending over, oh, say, $4,000 apiece sounds too rich for your blood, and taking off more than 10 days at a time creates a strain at work, then you can start writing off highly expensive far-distant destinations that take a couple of days travel-time each way. Narrows it down a good bit.
Now, are you reef lovers, big fish/animal lovers or wreck lovers? How important is warm water 'no wetsuit required' diving to you? I ask because a charter trip deep diving the wrecks off North Carolina and meeting the sand tiger sharks up close & personal might be a blast, but not if you're bent on no-wet suit diving in very calm seas. If you'd go gaga over sharks & greatly desire to see some, then a Bahamas trip might be your cup of tea.
Another consideration: topside. Compare 2 extremes; wreck diving by boat in Aruba, vs. pinnacle diving by boat in Saba. Very, very different topside experiences from what I've read.
What I'm saying is, figure out how far you're willing to go, how much you're willing to spend, how much time you've got to kill, what kind of things you want to see (big animals, pretty fish, reefs, wrecks), what kind of conditions you require (e.g.: calm Caribbean vs. the Atlantic off North Carolina; warm water vs. cold), what topside experience you want (it's easy to say none, it's a live-aboard; fine, but think about it) and whether you're happy trying new sites in the Caribbean, or do you want to 'get out there' & hit some very exotic locale (in which case perhaps for a topside diversion you'll meet wild Komodo dragons).
Where did you go on your last live-aboard trip?