Help for thrashed fingers/cuticles?

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Saw this thread and couldn't wait to chime in about the Bert's Bees Cuticle Cream, and then I saw that Damselfish beat me too it. So I've gotta back her up. That stuff works wonders for me. It's pretty cheap, but can be difficult to find locally. The web is your best bet, or a random Borders Books and Music, if you've got one of those near you.


You're not going to believe it, but I bought some Bert's Bees Cuticle Cream at a hardware store yesterday. Yes, you read that right. Only in Los Angeles to they have a Bert's display at the hardware store checkout counter!!! ;-) (Anawalt on Pico, for any curious SoCal'ers out there.)

And so, do you put this stuff on after the dive, or just when it starts peeling, or all the time?

You're not going to believe it, but I bought some Bert's Bees Cuticle Cream at a hardware store yesterday. Yes, you read that right. Only in Los Angeles to they have a Bert's display at the hardware store checkout counter!!! ;-) (Anawalt on Pico, for any curious SoCal'ers out there.)

And so, do you put this stuff on after the dive, or just when it starts peeling, or all the time?


Funny, I saw the Bert's stuff at Sav-on yesterday and thought about this thread. I usually only remember to use the cuticle stuff when I notice a problem, which probably isn't the most effective way to go.

Wow, I was thrilled when I found out Borders had it. I can't imagine finding it in the hardware store, lol. It's never been something I've had an issue with, excpet for when I'm diving, so I usually start putting in on a day or two before I dive and then I put it on as soon as I get out of the water and for the rest of that day, or trip. It helps a lot.

You're not going to believe it, but I bought some Bert's Bees Cuticle Cream at a hardware store yesterday. Yes, you read that right. Only in Los Angeles to they have a Bert's display at the hardware store checkout counter!!! ;-) (Anawalt on Pico, for any curious SoCal'ers out there.)

And so, do you put this stuff on after the dive, or just when it starts peeling, or all the time?

I use it sort of randomly, but if I was diving and trying to prevent problems I'd use it once or twice a day. Maybe before bed, or after diving is done for the day.
You might try Nutragena hand cream. Use some before the dive as well as after. I've found the stuff to work wonders on hands & feet when they have it rough. It only takes a very small amount.
You might try Bag Balm. It is sold at wal-mart in the pet dept. (usually). It is lanolin based, and has an antiseptic in it. It is made for cow teets (udders), but works wonders on rough, dry, cracked, peeling skin, feet, cuts, etc. I know a solider that I told about it and he won't use anything else now!
You might try Bag Balm. It is sold at wal-mart in the pet dept. (usually). It is lanolin based, and has an antiseptic in it. It is made for cow teets (udders), but works wonders on rough, dry, cracked, peeling skin, feet, cuts, etc. I know a solider that I told about it and he won't use anything else now!
not that i'm a bag or anything but I use it with gloves at night when I start to get the trench hand thing going from too many hours underwater. sometimes alternate with steroid and anti-fungal just to cover all the bases and causes!

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