Help ... everything is blurry (D100)!

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Scuba Instructor
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Ventura, CA
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I'm a Fish!
I am using a Nikon D100 and a Sea & Sea DX-100 housing. However, every picture that I take under water comes out blurry. If I shoot pictures from within the housing on land, they come out fine. Accordingly, I think that maybe the programmed mode on the D100 leaves the shutter open too long in a low light (underwater) environment thus causing the blur. Any thoughts or suggestions?
it might be helpful to see the images (unless there is some standard answer that i don't know about) is it blurry with directional movement? is every object in the image equally blurry? is every picture equally blurry?
If you are shooting in P mode - like any other camera you cannot. you must use A or M so you can control your shutter speed.
If could be:

You move in the water - more than you realize

Low Light - try a stobe

Autofocus is messed up my reflection on houseing lens - altho if it works on land......

Macro field of focus - again, but if it works on land...this prolly istn' it.

I'd guess that the shutter is staying open too long. Go manual mode, or get a strobe.
pwfletcher once bubbled...
I am using a Nikon D100 and a Sea & Sea DX-100 housing. However, every picture that I take under water comes out blurry. If I shoot pictures from within the housing on land, they come out fine. Accordingly, I think that maybe the programmed mode on the D100 leaves the shutter open too long in a low light (underwater) environment thus causing the blur. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Though I don't have a D-100, I have been shooting with a housed F-100 for some time. All things except the X1.5 crop should be the same.

What lens are you using?
What port are you using?
Are you using a strobe?

If you are using a dome port, this may explain your problem. Most lenses require the use of a diopter to focus correctly underwater if used behind a dome port. On land the lens looks through the port, like it's not there, and focuses normally. Underwater the dome acts as a lens and creates a virtual image that the lens must focus on. The virtual image is approximately twice the distance as the diameter of the dome. If you are using a 6" dome port, that means the lens must be able to focus down to 12" to be able focus underwater, even if you are trying to shoot further away than 12". A diopter allows a lens to focus close enough to be used under a dome.

I do not use program mode underwater. I use aperture priority for Macro so I can control depth of field, and manual for WA.

Can you post some pic's so we can try to figure out your problem?

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